Hey everyone :)
Woah, the most severe and terrible educational months finally behind. I am not a school girl anymore, I have finished my school. :)
I have been waiting for this for 12 years? Yeah, for 12 years. I look back and I can see a little girl with big white bows, with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, stepped into the world of a school life. I remember my very first lesson. My very first day at school. I met my future classmates for the first time and just had no idea how many wonderful, painful and unforgettable things school would bring to me in 12 years.
I won't focus on how many things happened to me at school. We all know that everything came first at school. Friends, lessons, feelings, relations, treasons, the first performances and etc. We met these all at school. I better tell you about the most beautiful things that happened to graduates at the end of the school year.
1. Successful delivery of exams.
2. The Last Ring. (May 25th).
3. The Prom Night.
The UNT exam is actually hard. And I had to study a lot. I had to leave things like singing, writing, hanging out and etc.
So, all the graduates in Kazakhstan worked so hard the whole year just to pass the UNT exam. UNT means the United National Test. This test includes 5 subjects in. Mathematics. The Russian Language. The Kazakh Language. The History of Kazakhstan. And we have a chance to choose the 5th subject. This should be a profile subject in your future profession. So I picked the English. Each item has 25 questions. Taking this examination - three and a half hours. Date of delivery of our exams was -- the 5th of June. We waited for this day. It was the most difficult and important day in our school life. But before the UNT, on May 25th in every school of our country the graduates hear the last ring. We heard our last ring. Danced our farewell school waltz. Sang our last school song and visited our last school lesson. Graduates were in the spotlight at the event. The was such a sad, but such a happy day in our lives. :)
Our first teachers :)
The city Mayor came to visit us. We were happy to see him.
The last bell rang. And before the UNT remained more than a week. Graduates still tried hard to prepare for the exam. We felt like we did not have the strength any more. And that day has come up. The UNT day. Everyone were so nervous about this. We had to wake up at 5 a.m. We reached the school at 6. Everyone got on the bus and it started. When we got the right place, we could also see other schools students too. Everyone was very excited. We were seated in auditoriums and three hours flew so quickly. For someone this exam was very hard, for someone not. To me it was of average difficulty. When I came out of the auditorium, I can't even describe what I felt.. Feelings like indefinite happiness and freedom. Finally it all behind. We got the results in the evening. Our school took the first place among the other schools in the city. I was in the third place result in our school. Everyone was very happy and satisfied. All examinations have been passed. And the most enjoyable part of school life was coming up. The school Prom.
Our prom night went flawless. That was the best night of my life. Everyone and everything looked so gorgeous. The proms here differ from proms in America. We don't go to proms as a couple. Everyone goes as a single. We spend our Prom night since 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. The whole night :) We always spend our Prom night with parents. The first part of a prom is called an “Official Part”. In other words there is a prom concert at school. School principal presents us school certificates. And then we sing, dance and speak words of gratitude to our teachers. This concert lasts about two or three hours. Then, all the graduates and the parents go to the restaurant where we eat, laugh, dance, cry till the morning light comes up. And about at 6 am, we go home. It is how our proms look like :)
I have been waiting for 12 years. My school -leaving certificate.
I am playing a teacher ;)
Romeo, save me, somewhere we can be along.
We were playing a pantomime of UNT. #forfun
At the restaurant.
Mummy <3
Dancing :)
I couldn't help but cry.
We greeted the dawn at 6 a.m.
Our last picture together.
We also need to say Thank You to our head teacher who supported us all the year long. And gave us an amazing time:) She is also my Mum.
School life is over for me and my classmates. We turn over the page and enter a new era. Each of us chooses his or her own way. And I hope no one will regret what way they will choose. Hopefully we'll see each other sometime. Just learn how they are doing. Well, I go to study in the Karaganda University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages. I hope it will be good 4 years for me. Now I have more free time. And I can go back to their normal daily life. And also continue to maintain this blog.
People are people. They come and leave. But life goes on :)
Thank YOU GOD for everything you give me.